Bible In A Year ~ January 2025

Hey guys, it's the Bible In A Year as promised, we are going to go through the bible together. Today is Wednesday January 8, 2025 and it's week 2 of our Bible journey. Let's get started with the 1st book of the Law, Genesis. Last week we learned that it's also known as the Torah or the Pentateuch. Centered around God's creation and the laws passed down to guide His people, us. Let's start. Genesis Chapter 3 & Chapter 4  The Fall

Genesis Chapter 3 

This chapter is about Adam and Eve, the first 2 people God created in His image and from another human beings rib, the man. As we see, there was a serpent that talked. He spoke to Eve and convinced her that if she ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil she would be as God, eyes opened to knowing good and evil. So Eve ate it and then shared with Adam her husband. Once they are they were eyes wide opened, they knew they were naked, as before they did not. They made coverings out of fig leaves for themselves. They heard God walking and they both hid from His presence. This is just like the enemy today, lying to us to get us to do things, We as people we believe him and then end up suffering the consequences. God called Adam, asked him where was he? Adam told God he heard Him and he hid because he was afraid and naked. God already knew, so he asked him, who told you you were naked? Did you eat from the forbidden tree I commanded you not to eat from? Adam automatically blamed Eve, he told God, it was the woman He was given from Him. She gave it to him to eat and he did. God questioned Eve, what did you do? Eve explained that the serpent tricked her and she ate the fruit. God told the serpent he would be cursed and on his belly for the rest of his days. After this Eve and Adam were in trouble too. Both having separate consequences. Eve's was pain in childbirth and sorrow. Adams was eating the herb of the fields, working hard til death. Eve meant mother of all living. God made skin tunics for them to wear and sent them out of Eden. He placed a cherubim at the east of the garden and a flaming sword turning every way to guard the way of the tree of life.

Genesis Chapter 4

Adam and Eve had two sons, first born was Cain and then came Abel. Abel kept the sheep and Cain tilled the grounds. As offerings to God Cain gave fruit of the ground and Abel gave the firstborn of his flock. God respected Abel and his offering, but not Cains. That made Cain very upset. The Lord asked Cain why was he so angry, if he did well he would be accepted, if he did not, sin would be at the door. Cain ended up killing his brother and the Lord asked where was his brother Abel. Cain lied and said he didn't know and asked, was he his brothers keeper? God told Cain that the voice of Abel's blood cried out from the ground, so he was cursed from the earth. Cain told God the punishment was too much to bear, and that being driven out from the ground he would be hidden from his face and a vagabond on the earth. Anyone who found him would kill him. The Lord told Cain that whoever kills him vengeance would be taken upon them seven-fold, and the Lord put a mark on Cain, lest anyone finding him should kill him. Cain left the presence of the Lord and dwelt in Nod, which was East of Eden. Cain took a wife and named a city after his first born Enoch. 

Adam and Eve had another son and named him Seth. Seth had a son and named him Enosh.

This concludes week 2 of our Bible in a year series. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. Thank you and see you all next week for Bible In A Year Series week 3. 


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