Christian VS Christian
Today Christians have developed a whole new attitude toward Christianity. All the disrespect to God and His house will be no more. God is not pleased with the order of churches today, not all, but most. The church has given passes to the people, for the talents they have. To make it more plain, the choir director can direct because even though shes a regular at All the local clubs and dates a few of the men in a couple of the churches, she is a talented director. The new minister can preach over the congregation even though he is a player of women, and men, has a wife, and a few children, because he is elegantly spoken. The Pastor can tend sheep, even though he has a wife, a girlfriend, and a mistress with child, because he's a good steward over everyones money and knows how to us it for his gain. All examples of talents working in the church. No one wants to sit these people down in their sin and let God deal with them. Instead we are seeing the opposite, and it's bringing a down pour of bitter, unbelieving, damaged,and emotionally scarred people. People that don't think God is in control anymore for the ignorance of the people. There is no order, no respect, no love in the church anymore. Nobody reverences God's house. God is not pleased. He is looking for a people that will help usher in a new attitude, respect and love to gain the people back. These people will be Holy, Bold, and above all love the Lord. There will be alot easily fooled,, and deceived, but that's bible. God is God, make no mistakes about that, but He isn't going to force Himself on anyone. He gave us free will to exercise, and to choose. It's a choice to be made now in 2014, who will you serve? God or mammon?
Matthew 6: verses 23-24 KJV reads But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one , and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
So it's in scripture, printed. Why is it not being lived? Compromise has overtaken the people. It is very important to remember that God is coming back and when we leave this earth, where will we go? A question we all need to have an answer to.
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