Becoming A Proverbs 31 Woman: 1 Virtue At A Time Week 8 Lesson 8

Week 8 Lesson 8

Help Your Husband Be A Man of Influence

Proverbs 31:23 “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land.”

A newer recap. So far we have seen that the Proverbs 31 woman rises early, works eagerly, works vigorously, shops wisely, even in the evenings, she is extremely productive, she extends her beautiful hands to the poor, she is prepared for every season and her clothing is a reflection of her character: classy. Now we come to the point in the passage where we learn more about her husband. Who is he? He is respected at the city gate where he sits among the elders. This man is a man of respect, honor and influence. As the Proverbs 31 woman works vigorously at home serving her husband and family, she frees her husband to sit at the city gate in a position of influence. His wife and good home bring him honor in the community. Do you bring honor to the name of your husband by the way you run your home? Are you mindful of the fact that the way you run your home is a reflection of your husband and his influence? If your husband cannot lead at home, how can he lead in the community? Do you compete with your husband for respect or do you allow him to have the respect that is due him out in public? Are you and your husband going two separate directions in life – each striving after your own pursuits or are you following your husband’s lead? This husband in Proverbs 31 is one lucky man! He has landed a wife that most men could only dream of landing! And it has catapulted him in life to a place of influence. You know the saying “behind every good man is a good woman.” That is definitely the case here! In our culture, we tend to bristle at the thought of staying out of the spot light so our husband can shine. Elizabeth George puts it beautifully here:

“God’s beautiful woman is pleased to be her husband’s crown. Shunning the spotlight, she gladly gives her life behind the scenes so that her husband may be noticed and honored. She is glad when he is the center of attention, when he excels, when he is recognized, when he rises to the top. Indeed, she delights in living in his shadow. His promotion is her greatest reward. She desires that her husband be highly respected and esteemed, so she contentedly offers the supreme sacrifice of herself for him.” —Elizabeth George, Beautiful in God’s Eyes Follow in the footsteps of the Proverbs 31 woman today – your husband will be blessed!

Pursuing Excellence

Proverbs 31:24 “She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.”
Is anyone else overwhelmed by the Proverbs 31 woman yet? Let me be completely honest – I am! So far, we’ve watched her be a jewel to her husband, children, servants and even the poor. We’ve watched her rise early, stay up late, plant a vineyard, sew her own clothes, her family’s clothing, the tapestries and beddings! And now we see that the Proverbs 31 woman knows she is capable of more and she does more! The cherry on top of all of this woman’s work is excellence! The lesson in Proverbs 31:24 is she is willing to use her talents to add to her family’s finances BUT she does not sacrifice the family pursuing them. The Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t just make linen – she makes “fine” linen. She applies excellence to her work. Excellence is not perfection but rather offering quality work. As a result – her product was in demand by the merchants. The merchants were most likely from Canaan and Egypt and most likely wealthy. So she could interact with people from all walks of life from the poor to the wealthy and she did it with excellence. The Proverbs 31 woman’s family, the merchants, and the poor benefited from the Proverbs 31 woman’s diligence in her home business. As you ponder this verse ask yourself:
1. What are my talents?
2. During this season of life, if I use my talents to benefit my family financially will I be sacrificing in other priority areas?
3. If the answer to number 2 is no, then am I performing my talent with excellence?

In what ways could I be better trained or put more time into becoming excellent at what I do? For some, this is not the season of life to pursue your talents to be used outside of the home. For others, now is the time to spread your wings and use your talents in a new arena. The lesson in Proverbs 31:24 is: she is willing to use her talents to add to her family’s finances BUT she does not sacrifice the family pursuing them. Seek God and your husband’s wisdom in this decision-making process and then whatever you do – do it with excellence like the Proverbs 31 woman!

That concludes Week 8 Lesson 8 of Becoming A Proverbs 31 Woman. Please ladies comment, remark, and participate. As always I love hearing from you.  I always enjoy sharing with you guys. The comments area is always open for your sharing weekly. Remember, what you share may help someone else. Simply because we are all different and no two of us think alike. So, please share your thoughts, comments, and stories. If you want to reach me personally, you have the website information also the info below.

Word of prayer
Lord thank you for helping us learn to make our husbands and husbands to be men of influence. We know that we are a team and it's not just us women working in your name. Bless us in all we do and say and guide us as we pursue perfection. Not making it a thing we want to be, but a thing we strive to be. Thank you Lord for sending us women to model after. In Jesus' name Amen.

Thank you for visiting with me and allowing me to share this information yet again. I will see you ladies next week with lesson 9. Hope to hear from you guys. God bless. 407-1980 (call or text)
Prayer request-prayer page on website.


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