Week 1 Lesson 1
This is a very familiar book to all us ladies. I just wanted to share some insight from it with you guys. Although this study was formulated from Women Living Well, I have taken it and put my own with it. So with that said, let's sit back and enjoy the lesson.
King Lemuel's mother had her own vision of a wife for her son. She made sure she told him the do's and dont's as well as the attributes of seeking out a wife. He was to seek for a virtuous woman. Thus the book of Proverbs Chapter 31.
Verses 2-9 are instructions given to King Lemuel on being a Godly King. He was taught to stay away from promescuity, drunkenness and to tend to the poor.
Verses 10-31 he is instructed on how to find the perfect Godly wife of superior character. When we look at what's in Proverbs 31 and what it entails and also what Lemuel's mother taught him, do we feel like this woman even exists?
Well here is my answer. NO! I did not believe she existed. But then one day I was given a thought. The virtuous woman is many of these traits, one of these traits or all of them. All women are not created the same. All of us are just as valuable as the virtuous woman who has all the Proverbs 31 traits.
Let's take a look at a womans post left on a blog about this study her name is Mandy.
“Let’s see… I do not like getting up while it is dark. I wouldn’t know how to buy a field or a vineyard. I like to go to sleep very early when possible. I can be quite lazy at times. I definitely couldn’t even begin to patch a hole in my husband’s pants let alone actually sew some new creation. I wish every word out of my mouth was wise, but my husband can attest to my lack of common sense; and I am not always sure if my husband has full confidence in me. (Although if asked I am sure he would say, “Of course I do!”)”.
That made me laugh. I thought to myself. Well I'm the opposite. I go to bed late and get up early, sometimes I don't have time to eat, so I eat badly. I would love to just lounge, but cannot. EVER. My words have to at least make sense, maybe not wise all the time. I mean, you guys would think I was looney tunes if I made no sense at all here on these blog studies. Another thing. I hate typing, and it would be easier to talk and make videos, but I don't always feel like dressing to be seen. I mean clothes, hair, silence, sitting still. There is no way. Not with my present day schedule. Maybe one day soon, but not now. Sewing, nope, cooking yes, yard work, nope, ewwwww. I just thought this woman couldn't exist. But she does, in whatever we do that is in the character of the Proverbs 31 woman. To add injury to insult, my daughter in law can run a lawn mower, sew, cook, garden, build things, and she can stretch a buck. She's only 22. God called the young because they are strong right.....anyway moving on. This created the 1 virtue at a time.
Proverbs 31:11 “Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value.”
Now it gets fun ladies. This is where we get to see if we are precious and rare jewels, or big broken rocks. So, we are to learn to possess NOBILITY. Because a noble wife is a treasure to her husband. This is the list to follow.
So let me tell you what a wife of noble character does not look like:
1. She does not rival her husband.
2. She does not mope around and complain about her housework.
3. She does not overspend and put her family into debt.
4. She is not bored, discontent, greedy or selfish.
5. She does not gossip and slander others.
6. She does not spend her days doing leisurely shopping, texting, emailing, web browsing, watching late night movies, and sleeping in.
7. She does not criticize, mock, or disrespect her husband.
8. She does not have children and a husband who embarrass her.
9. She does not let her outer beauty take precedence over her inner beauty. 10. She does not take God’s word lightly.
With this list I have here, how many of these are you? How many are you not? The thing with this list is that we have room for change. We must be willing to change some things – our attitudes, our thought patterns, our work ethic, our words, and what we spend our time on. With God’s grace, we can become a woman of noble character!
So for today, begin by evaluating yourself against the list above. Which character quality are you weak in? Pray and ask God for the strength to change!
This concludes Lesson 1 of Becoming A Proverbs 31 Woman: 1 Virtue At A Time. Ladies I encourage you to share these exercise here and post your responses in the comment section below. I would love to hear from you all. An email, a posted comment, a text message or a phone call. All the communication is listed on the website but I will post it here also.
A word of prayer:
Lord, thank you for allowing us to meet here today with one thing in mind, to learn more of you. Thank you for giving us your word and helping us become doers of Your word and not just hearers. Helping us become better women for your kingdom. Thank you for showing us to be good wives and wives to be. Thank you for loving us inspite of. Lord bless every woman that stops here to this study and I pray you give her what she needs of you. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Thanks for coming ladies, God bless and see you next lesson.
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